Monday, May 7, 2012

classic cars

even the engine is beautiful

bat mobile or jaguar?

definite mafia ride

Another example of practicality...

In all of our road time in this country we have been flabbergasted by all of the cool old cars we've spotted. The roads here are a sports car's play ground. The flat long stretches with fun windy turns would be the perfect place to let a jag run wild. 

People here think that if you spend the time and money to fix up a car you might as well drive it. We have seen the oldest, most bizarre cars parked at the grocery store, laundry mat, or outside a cafe. If you got it, drive it!

(p.s. yes, we are still alive... barely. 12 hour of manual labor 6 days a week is brutal. It also leaves little energy for anything beyond sleep and eating. A full update will be coming sooooon!)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah......glad to see you are squeezing in some fun whilst stomping grapes! The end is in sight......Friday right? Way COOL CARS!
