Thursday, May 31, 2012


Below are a couple of randos that have not quite made their way onto the blog yet, but definitely deserve some mention. One of the coolest little eateries we found was in The Rocks. It was on the same street as the market and had a 2nd story balcony to eat on. This meant we were free to people watch to our hearts content, while the people we gaped and stared at walked by below without a clue. The place was run by an old Irish women and she only serves tea, coffee, and scones. Pretty classic. Tea was great, scones were delish, and the passersby below kept us plenty entertained.

Another day we set off for a bit of a wander and found ourselves in what must officially be the vintage store capital of the world. No joke, there were at least 15 vintage stores side-by-side, and they were all packed with awesome stuff. It was like a clothes museum. Below are two of the better finds we had, although we regrettably bought neither. One more side note is that Oakland Raiders and Oakland A’s gear is absolutely everywhere here. The same was also true for New Zealand. Kiwis and Aussies seem to love wearing Raider and A’s stuff, and while the Raiders clearly have the best logo and colors in the NFL, we still aren’t sure why it is so popular to wear apparel for a sports team you have never seen. Needless to say, Raider Nation is alive and well!


view from the top

could have used these vintage shops in college

Raider Nation


  • Australians call Pharmacists, Chemists
  • when people take a cab alone, they ride in the front seat- weird
  • Starbucks is the only place you can find Brewed Coffee in this city
  • our roommates don't think we are real backpackers because we eat out every meal
  • I'm dying from living in a hostel for 9 days- our roommate has lived here for 8 months!
  • NZ & Australia don't have any coins below 5 cents- so much easier.  time to do away with the penny America!
  • Tipping is not customary in Australia unless your service actually was exceptional... what a concept!
  • if you like eggs and come to Australia, be sure to order them DRY otherwise you will receive yellow soup.
  • the 7-11's here just got Krispy Kreme Doughnuts- it is on every poster, billboard, and bus. Can't blame them, Krispy Kreme's are definitely something to get excited about. 

my pancake craving finally fulfilled

this is what you get when you order an iced coffee...


Kyle's first stein
breakfast on the harbor- Real black coffee and award winning banana bread!

no this is not fake, that really is the name of the store

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