Monday, March 5, 2012


We knew within a day that no amount of time is enough time in this beautiful country. There is so much to see and even more to do. This truly is the trip of a lifetime and we want to take advantage. When first planning this trip, three months seemed like more than plenty to tour a country smaller than California. However, we were terribly wrong and will barely get to see the North Island as it is. We have found ourselves in the perfect intersection of timing and life. With no obligations until fall, we extended our trip by another month putting our return in early June. If it wasn’t going to be wintertime here who knows when we would have come home!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you have extended! That means more travel stories. Seems to me that you have been very productive in pursuing all that New Zealand has to offer. Keep up the good work and writing. There are many people following your travels despite the small quantity of comments. Perhaps most people use Facebook for commenting.

    Love, Dad
